Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Latest Craftiness

    So, I know it's been a bit...blame it on the craziness of Christmas.

    Mom, Natasha and I have been crafting these past few days!  My latest trial has been tile decopauge coasters, which have worked out very well so far.  They're very easy and inexpensive to make too!  I'm not sure if there's a market for them though...we'll see.  Man I need an etsy account!  Mom and Tash have been overloading me with craft ideas--good and bad, I guess.
    Back to work on Wednesday =/  I've really enjoyed this five-day weekend!  I'm not going to school this term; I need a bit of a break after something like seven consecutive terms!  So, hopefully, I'll be able to do more crafting and blogging in the next few months.
    Oh, also, I went pinterest crazy today...never happened before, but it was exhilarating!!!