Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lead Me

    About a month ago, I read a blog posted by my sister (Honestly Seeking Honesty) and it's actually stuck with me for a bit; I just can't seem to get it out of my head.  One of the things she said was something she'd actually stolen from our mom: "I ride my own white horse!"  That's totally true!  If you think you're going to stop me from going into battle, chances are, you're going to be sore in the morning.  Also, I don't need to be rescued...I've already been saved.
     I don't want a man who expects to be my savior, nor do I want him to worship the ground I walk on.  I don't want someone who just really wants his mama.  I want a partner. I want to spend my days with a man (not to be confused with the ever-popular but oh-so-disappointing man-boy), one who will fight with me when I can't win alone.  One who will stand up and be a protector when there's danger.  A man who follows God  and has the guts to stand up to me when I'm wrong, a strong man. 

 Then I heard this song for the first time in a while.

So, like I said, this has kind of been rolling around in my brain for a while.  My sister's conclusion was that, although she doesn't have her eye on anyone, she feels like she's ready to be in a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship. 

Mine is: I know what qualities I'm attracted to, but I'm not ready.  I don't think I have much to give at this point.  I would probably be more like a parasite than a partner right now.  Someday, I know I'll meet him.  But for right now, I guess I'll just have to keep waiting until God brings him into my life and makes me ready for the grand adventure.

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