So I was reading my Bible on Friday and God spoke to me (as He usually does) and I kind of got a mini revelation and thought, "Oh, that was cool." But then today at church, my pastor said some of the same stuff, so I thought I'd share.
God frequently speaks to me; whether through reading my Bible, conversations I have with people, or just in a quiet moment, His words typically surround me...when I'm "in tune" with Him at least. But I was reading Genesis 15 and Luke 6 and I realized that I am one of those people that Jesus talks about in Luke 6:46-47. It goes like this: " 'Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice.' "
God speaks to me all the time and I brush it off and then ask for more! I think it's usually because I don't like or I'm not comfortable with what He has to say or it's just hard for me to believe. In Genesis 15, God promises Abram that he will have a his old age? Who'da thunk?! But in verse 6, it says: "Abram believed the Lord and He credited it to him as righteousness."'s an act of righteousness to believe what God says to me? Huh...I never thought of it like that. Genesis 15:1 is my favorite though. It says, "...'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.' "
Could it be possible that God, not the promise, is the reward? When a promise doesn't come to pass right away, I get upset, even though He didn't have to offer me anything in the first place. When He asks me to give something up so He might bless me with something better, I hang onto it tighter than Golum and the one ring; unwilling to make any small sacrifice for the greater gift He has for me.
It seems like I'm always pursuing God so that He'll give me something (some might call this a transactional relationship), when I should be pursuing relationship with Him simply because He's the creator of the universe who allows me to even seek Him. Why is it that I feel spending time with Him is so tedious when I should be thanking Him for the chance to do so? My God and having a relationship with Him is the prize.
Compared to walking with Jesus, everything else is poo.
God frequently speaks to me; whether through reading my Bible, conversations I have with people, or just in a quiet moment, His words typically surround me...when I'm "in tune" with Him at least. But I was reading Genesis 15 and Luke 6 and I realized that I am one of those people that Jesus talks about in Luke 6:46-47. It goes like this: " 'Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice.' "
God speaks to me all the time and I brush it off and then ask for more! I think it's usually because I don't like or I'm not comfortable with what He has to say or it's just hard for me to believe. In Genesis 15, God promises Abram that he will have a his old age? Who'da thunk?! But in verse 6, it says: "Abram believed the Lord and He credited it to him as righteousness."'s an act of righteousness to believe what God says to me? Huh...I never thought of it like that. Genesis 15:1 is my favorite though. It says, "...'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.' "
Could it be possible that God, not the promise, is the reward? When a promise doesn't come to pass right away, I get upset, even though He didn't have to offer me anything in the first place. When He asks me to give something up so He might bless me with something better, I hang onto it tighter than Golum and the one ring; unwilling to make any small sacrifice for the greater gift He has for me.
It seems like I'm always pursuing God so that He'll give me something (some might call this a transactional relationship), when I should be pursuing relationship with Him simply because He's the creator of the universe who allows me to even seek Him. Why is it that I feel spending time with Him is so tedious when I should be thanking Him for the chance to do so? My God and having a relationship with Him is the prize.
Compared to walking with Jesus, everything else is poo.
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